Thanks for your comment. Encouraged me to do some research on how much people regret getting HRT and surgery... apparently in one study out of 8000 people the regret is under 1%... for a medical procedure that is amazing. Of course that doesn't mean we should ignore the 1% who regret it but it's really not enough to stop the surgeries completely. The article is in PRS Global Open if you want to look for it.
An article in the Journal of Bioethical Inquiry also says the risks of withholding treatment (e.g., suicidality, harassment, violence, use of non-prescription hormones) are very high and that no one is allowed to undergo this kind of process on a whim. Stands to reason that of the people who choose this and get approved we're not talking about kids that saw a social media post they liked.
Have you personally considered having gender reassignment surgery or HRT or do you know someone who is? If you are considering I'm sure there are professionals out there who can help you make the right decision. <3