Yes, under 25% of sovereign nations in the world have legal gay marriage. This is a fact that I used in my article. I also reference a law in Qatar, Article 296, one of a group of laws that could lead to imposing the death penalty/murder on LGBT people. This is also factual. If you find it disrespectful of me to point these facts out I am okay with that. We have different opinions on how to navigate respect and what deserves respect. I personally would not feel disrespected if a Qatari writer on Medium wrote an article about the recent murder of 5 LGBT people in a night club in Colorado Springs and said it was a symptom of an anti-LGBT culture here in the United States. I would be glad.
This article is for the people who would be glad to shine a light on LGBT persecution like the Qatari activist I mention, Nas Mohamed. And I know there are more people in Qatar, who are a part of that Qatari culture, who would be glad.